- Aromatherapy for Weight Loss
- Fighting Obesity: The Role of Behavior, Biology and Bad Choices
- Fighting Obesity: Psyching Yourself to Act
- Fighting Obesity: Why Moving More is Crucial
- Fighting Obesity: Eating to Be Healthy and Lean
- Healthy Eating Tips
- Nutrition & diet information
- Diet Myths
Obesity is defines as an excess of total body fat. What happens is a person gains excess weight cause of some bad eating habits, no exercising, it can be hereditary too, but it happens due to carelessness and ignorance. People tend to think that it is not a major disorder and ignore it, but later on it might brings lot of fatal diseases. Its just not a beauty factor that comes to the picture looking fat looks bad but health wise also its not safe and brings lot of complexities.
We try lot of diet programs; lot of medicines, exercises to get back that curls and curves which one has lost. These tricks are helpful also but apart from these methods we can also try out some natural remedies like massaging etc, we will talk about it in later half.
Young and middle age people are very prone to weight gain but it can happen to anyone regardless of all factors. As we discussed it’s a cause of poor eating habits and inactive life style. One should be aware that when it grows old with you it could become a big sickness.
Health hazards related with obesity are numerous and accepted and many of which are life threatening, like, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, painful joints, respiratory problems and certain forms of cancer. Some normal life factors can also influence this disorder living alone, over eating, restricting social life and always want to be alone. Overweight people have more cases of depression than normal people.
Aromatherapy For Obesity
Aromatherapy has proven to be very useful for this obesity. As we know this natural way of treating has no side effect as compared to other treatments.
Certain essential oils come into picture, like Birch, Grapefruit, Juniper, Lemon, Orange, Tangerine, and Fennel. Massage is the best method and oils should be used with base oils like sweet almond, which makes oil less strong and easy to use. Applying oil to the places were fat has accumulated will really help to reduce the fat level and make your body well shaped.
Essential oils used here are not just sweet smelling but have also the quality to make your digestive system good that also helps in weight reduction. One must take care that oils used should be in moderate amount and mixed with carrier oil before using.